Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Three Men

A long line winds ahead going who knows where. One fella starts a conversation with the man ahead of him, seems like we're dead. Last thing I remember is doing a workout on my balcony. The guy in front of him raises an eyebrow. I was doing some jumping jacks and must have overdone it because I got dizzy and fell over the rail. I managed to grab on to the rail of the balcony below mine when some nut starts pounding on my hands. I finally loose my grip and fall but a tree slows my decent and a bush breaks my fall and cushions me. As I lay on the ground thanking my lucky stars; I look up and see the wacko toss a refrigerator off the third floor balcony and well, here I am...

Sorry, says the guy. I was the asshole. I came home and thought I caught my wife with another man. I searched all over and then I discovered you hanging over the edge of my balcony. If only I had asked we could both be alive; you see I was so enraged I grabbed the refrigerator and carried it out on the balcony to throw down on top of you. I had a heart attack and died then and there.

Both of them become curious and turn to the next guy in line, so- how did you die?

“Picture this”, he says, “I'm hiding in a refrigerator...”

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