Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jack & Dianne

Jack was a great guy and very popular with his friends but his infirmity (he lost an eye) kept him from playing sports and his family was poor so his uncle had carved an eyeball out of wood. Nevertheless he was able to attend dances and hang out with the guys (none of them knew how to dance) and have a great time. By junior year however, all the boys but Jack had drifted from the group and made fools of themselves on the dance floor to be with the girls.

Dianne had a hair lip and was very self conscious. She was a wallflower and couldn't even summon up the courage to dance with the other girls when they asked her. They always dragged her to the dance but as the attraction to the opposite sex grew stronger she was on her own more and more. Once her body developed many guys looked her way but the harelip and the thought of making out scared them off. What would the other guys say?

Junior Prom, Jack looked across the dance floor and saw a lonely person sitting by herself and thought, this is nuts. I'll ask her to dance. He drew on every once of courage in his being and pushed the fear of rejection by the girl with the beautiful body and ridicule by his friends and the other girls out of his mind and strolled across the room.

“WWWwwould yooou kkkare tto ddddaaannce?” He knew he was totally at her mercy, the entire room had stopped and paid attention to the drama being played out on the chairs by the Coke machine. Dianne enthusiastically answered, (this was what she had hoped and prayed for and what she would dream about every night) “Would I!”

To which, Jack pointed at her face and said, “HAIR LIP, HAIR LIP, HAIR LIP!!!”

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