Sunday, June 7, 2009

This guy walks into a bar

And sees this old geezer at the end of the counter wearing a safari outfit, so since he's the curious type he sits down next to him and strikes up a conversation. "So whats the outfit for?" The old man looks up and says"Used to hunt tigers in india!" "Wow, ya got any scarey stories about it?" "Sure do! One time I was following this trail and I could tell I was really close to the tiger when everything got quiet,...the birds stopped chirping, the monkeys got real still, and from out of no where the biggest bangle tiger I ever saw lept out in front of me, and went RRRRRRRRRRROAR!... and I just shit myself!" The guy looks at the old man in stunned disbelief,and says "Well hell!,I would too If that happened to me!So what happened next?" The old man goes "No,...Just now,When I said RRRRRRRROAR,I just shit myself!"

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