Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Martian couple landed on Earth

They emerged from their spacecraft and went up to a farmhouse. They knocked on the door.

When the farmer and his wife answered, they announced that they were from Mars and wanted to come in to chat.

The farm couple extended their hospitality and they all seemed to hit it off well. After a while, the farmer said, "Do you two swing?"

The Martian replied, "Why yes, we do." And so they swapped mates and adjourned for appropriate activity.

After the Martian man had climbed on, he said to the Earth woman, "Is my dick long enough?"

She replied, " that you mention it, it could be a little longer."

"No problem," he said and proceeded to twist his left ear. Like magic, his dick got longer. "How's that now?"
"One notch more!" said the woman.

Her request was promptly complied with via another twist of the left ear. His next question was, "Would you like it a little thicker?"

"Don't mind if it is." she replied. He twisted his right ear once. The woman said, "That's perfect!" They proceeded to bang away.

The next morning the Earth couple were comparing experiences and the husband said, "How was it for you?"

The wife replied, "Super! How about you?"

The husband responded, "Well, it was pretty good except for one thing."

"What was that?" his wife inquired.

"She damn near tore my friggin ears off!"

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